The production team of One Night Guests, a joint project by Ghanaian and Nigerian filmmakers, revealed this information at a press conference on Tuesday, August 20, 2024. The film is scheduled to start primary photography. The movie, according to Nollywood producer Chris Odeh, will be shot entirely in Lagos starting on August 21 and is scheduled to open in theaters around Africa on December 25.
"The goal is to make an African Christmas film that will appeal to a wide audience. I jumped at the chance to bring the director's idea to life as soon as he presented it to me. "I am so excited for you all to see it," he exclaimed.
The story of One Night Guests centers on a number of people whose paths unintentionally collide on a fatal Christmas day.
What starts off as a typical morning swiftly turns into a sequence of unexpected happenings that result in connections, confrontations, and disclosures that will alter people's lives forever.
Peter Sedufia, a Ghanaian filmmaker, is the director of One Night Guests, which is produced by Gravel Road Studios (South Africa), Sozo Films (Nigeria), and OldFilm Productions (Ghana).
"One Night Guests is not merely a movie. It honors African storytelling and our rich cultural legacy, which we are delighted to present to the world. Families will treasure this movie, it will undoubtedly be discussed for years to come, and it will be regarded as a seminal work of African filmmaking. At the press conference, Sedufia said, "Get ready for an amazing experience."
The partnership, according to Silverbird Film Distribution General Manager Isabella Okechukwu, is proof of the company's dedication to introducing the globe to African artistic brilliance.
In this partnership, our job has been to make sure that One Night Guests gets seen by as many people as possible, including moviegoers in anglophone West African nations.
We firmly think that movies have the ability to unite people, and this one is set to achieve so by captivating viewers with its original mix of humor and drama as well as its diverse cultural background," the spokesperson continued.
Notable performers from Ghana and Nigeria, such as Chidi Mokeme, Ini Edo, Yvonne Okoro, Majid Michel, Warri Pikin, Roselyn Ngissah, James Gardiner, Lasisi Elenu, and Akah Nnani, are among the star-studded cast of One Night Guests.