

Meloni wins Election, becomes Italian first Female Prime Minister


Giorgia Meloni has had quite the ride, taking her far-right party to the edge of power while still a young activist who idolized Mussolini and is now a favorite to become Italy's first female prime minister.

In Sunday's general elections, Meloni's Brothers of Italy won, and it appears that her right-wing coalition will earn a majority in both houses of parliament.

The 45-year-old, who frequently displays a belligerent and passionate demeanor while railing against the European Union, widespread immigration, and "LGBT lobbies," has attracted disgruntled people and developed a strong personal brand.

At a rally in Rome in 2019, she proclaimed, "I am Giorgia, I am a woman, I am a mother, I am Italian, and I am Christian."

Brothers of Italy emerged from the nation's post-fascist movement, but Meloni has made an effort to set herself off from the past while remaining unable to completely repudiate it.

She continues to be extremely contentious, not least because of her Catholic family ideals, which many believe will result in a reduction in rights like abortion.

Meloni promised to bring the nation together on Monday, stating that she would rule for "all Italians."

She continued, "Italy has chosen us, and we will not betray her. It is a time of duty."

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